
EGT на ICE Barcelona 2025: Пригответе се да бъдете зашеметени

17 ян, 2025

EGT е готова да направи дълбоко впечатление на посетителите на ICE 2025, което ще се проведе в Барселона за първи път. Българският производител на игрално оборудване ще представи своята завладяваща селекция от бестселъри и нови разработки с висок потенциал на един от най-големите щандове на изложението 3F30.

Сред новостите, които ще предизвикат най-голям интерес, ще бъдат 2 чисто нови слот кабинета – 32-32 St и 32-32 Up. Тези модели със сигурност няма да останат незабелязани от гостите на събитието.

Изложено ще бъде най-новото попълнение в джакпот семейството на компанията – Zhao Cai Shuang Yu на 4 нива на азиатска тематика. Той ще разкрие удивителния свят на своите 2 игри - Prosperity Strike и Rising Coins.

Присъстващите ще могат да видят и изпробват и най-новите мултигейми от слот серията Supreme Selection. Mega Supreme Fruits, Supreme Red и Supreme Buy Bonus Prize Selection ще представят много нови слот заглавия, предлагащи перфектна комбинация от завладяваща тематика, атрактивни бонус функции и страхотно забавление.

EGT ще покаже и най-новите си ETG разработки. Сред тях ще бъде терминалът 32 T, който ще направи своя дебют по време на шоуто. Той ще допълни богатото портфолио от продукти на компанията, които са предпочитан избор в много игрални обекти по света.

EGT ще представи също и игралните миксове от Supreme Series, понастоящем включваща мултигеймите Supreme Roulette Union и Supreme Green Union. Фокусирайки се изключително върху рулетката, Supreme Roulette Union съчетава тръпката от класическия рулетен геймплей с иновативни джакпот системи и многостранни функции. Supreme Green Union съчетава популярни игри от портфолиото на компанията с рулетка, Кено, Бакара и Блекджек, предлагайки на играчите уникално изживяване.

Множество нови AWP и VLT продукти, създадени специално за различни пазари, също ще бъдат на разположение на посетителите, както и казино мениджмънт системата на EGT Spider, която ще покаже най-новите си модули.

EGT Digital също така ще представи богатия си набор от iGaming решения, включващ моментни и казино игри, джакпоти и собствената платформа за залагане тип „всичко в едно“ X-Nave.

Надя Попова, главен директор по приходите и вицепрезидент "Продажби и маркетинг" в EGT, коментира: „ICE е много важно събитие за нас, което ни позволява да се срещнем с професионалисти от индустрията от цял ​​свят. Ще посрещнем нашите настоящи и потенциални нови клиенти и партньори на нашия щанд, за да им представим всички нови продукти от нашето портфолио, разделени на зони, покриващи всички игрални вертикали. Вярвам в положителния потенциал на промените. Ето защо смятам, че преместването на шоуто в Барселона ще отвори нови бизнес хоризонти и ще донесе много възможности за изграждане на ползотворни партньорства, за които ние като компания сме готови.“

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EGT for ICE 2014: “A show to be remembered!”

17 фев, 2014

Striking performance, fabulous booth and impressive products- these are just a few of the visitors’ comments about the presence of Euro Games Technology at the ICE 2014 exhibition in London. Indeed, EGT made a powerful impression with its global growth and progress, evident for every visitor at the show. Presenting one of the top ten largest booths at the world’s most famous gaming exhibition, EGT proved its remarkable success and gladly supported the slogan of the ICE show –SENSATIONAL!

EGT stand awaited the visitors with countless new gaming attractions: cabinets, games, interactive, multiplayer and mobile solutions and jackpots – in short, novelties in every gaming division.

The three brand new themed Jackpots from the Premier Series products made an impressive debut at the show. Egypt Quest, Diamond Life and Cat 4 Cash feature an attractive jackpot panel and diverse Premier cabinets. Each of the jackpots offers multigame software with unique mathematics.

The Premier Series products have also been complemented by other brand new hardware and software additions. EGT presented the refined Premier Slant Top and Upright cabinets which attract the players with ambient RGB illumination alongside the machine. The colour of the light is defined according to a two-level basis. It represents the multigame installed on the machine or the specific colour of the selected game. The EGT Premier Multigame selection has been widened by the Premier Multi – 5 with a choice of 44 games and the Poker Multi Premier which offers 10 poker games.

ICE 2014 has become the scene of a major breakthrough for the Multiplayer Solutions by EGT. Three new Multigames have been unveiled at the show, achieving the company’s efforts to provide unlimited choice and freedom of play. The Premier Union – 1 Multigame was one of the most highly-evaluated innovations at the EGT booth. Presented by the attractive STORK terminals configuration at the show, the Premier Union – 1 combines both slot games and roulette play. In order to offer multifuncionality in every respect and to make the play even more exciting, it also supports the Diamond Jackpot. EGT Multiplayer Solutions also showed Multigame-1SB – a server-based multigame combining roulette and bingo play and Multigame-1 which offers Blackjack and roulette games. The Premier Roulette on EGT booth grabbed the attention with its new elegant and modern design. Complemented by a brand new 4-sided statistics display, the Premier Roulette scores with a choice of a single or double-direction wheel.

The ICE 2014 exhibition has been a milestone for the Interactive gaming solutions offered by EGT.  Following the latest trends in the gaming industry, the company provides the opportunity for real-time, interactive play on computer and handheld devices. With EGT Mobile the company creates both a perfect gaming scenario for the players to enjoy their well-established land based game titles anywhere and anytime and a great acquisition tool for the operators.  

Vladimir Dokov,  EGT Managing Director shared his excitement “We are proud to be recognized as one of the companies with most rapid growth on the global gaming market! EGT is constantly applying new technology and market knowledge to refine our products. As a result EGT develops high quality gaming solutions of almost every gaming division. Our success at ICE has been visible for everybody and I can predict an even increased market presence for the company in 2014, followed by an excellent ICE show next year!”

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EGT delivers Bingo play in Multigame!

19 ян, 2014

Първата инсталация на новата EGT Multigame Bingo система вече е факт!

It has taken place at Win Bet Gaming Club in Vratsa, Bulgaria and the innovative Bingo System is quickly getting more and more popular.

The server-based Bingo System supports a Multigame which offers Bingo 90 and Roulette play. The installation also includes 50 VEGA Play Station terminals and a Roulette Center with a comfortable 22” double-sided SVS statistics display.

“We are happy to announce the first installation of our Server-Based Multigame in Bulgaria.” explained Ivo Georgiev, Manager EGT Multiplayer Solutions Department. We expect it to be an extremely successful product which will be popularized internationally as well as within the country with the assistance of our partner Win Bet. We already have received a great number of enthusiastic responses from players about the Multigame Bingo System which makes our efforts worth it!”

Danail Iliev, Director of National Group shared his satisfaction with the new product. “It has been a pleasure for us, to have the opportunity to present one of EGT latest products in our casino club! The installation of the Server-Based Multigame has been extremely successful so far. Considering the popularity of the Bingo games in Bulgaria, we intend to increase the number of installations of this product across the country. I can predict really promising results of EGT Bingo System; it is innovative and at the same time bears the spirit of the classic Bingo play…”Mr. Iliev concluded.

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EGT пристигна с Коледа в Awasa Casino, Кюрасао

02 ян, 2014

A delightful Christmas present has been delivered for the guests of Awasa Casino in Curacao. Euro Games Technology took care of the players’ full entertainment by installing a great number of its Vega Vision+ Upright and Slant Top machines. Apart from their ergonomic and stylish design, the cabinets feature EGT latest Multigame Mixes which offer a wide library of attractive games. The first installation of EGT machines in Awasa Casino has taken place a short time ago proving to be an absolute sensation.

“We couldn’t help but notice the fast success of EGT products in Awasa Casino. For a very short period they have become the most popular machines in the casino – you can see guests coming to play on them from early morning till the casino closes! The second installation offers EGT latest Premier Series Software. The Premier Multigame mixes contain EGT most popular titles as well as some brand new ones. All the games feature excusive quality of graphics and sound. Another highlight of this installation is that all EGT machines, regardless of the software, are connected to EGT Vega Jackpot System – this makes the play way more amusing and thrilling!” explains Nadia Popova, Director EGT Panama.

Martin Eustatia, Director of Awasa Casino also feels excited about the installation. “We are very pleased to have EGT products in our casino. The players are fascinated by them which makes us feel happy too, knowing that we have provided for their entertainment. I am looking forward to extend the game portfolio with more attractive titles by EGT and to continue our good cooperation with the company!” comments Martin Eustatia.

With reference to the future plans of the company, Nadia Popova observes “We hold very good positions in the Caribbean region and the consecutive installations prove that our selection of products is very suitable for this market. Our main strength on a local level are the games that we provide and more specifically the mathematics. We have a brilliant RD team who are analyzing the specific players’ preferences in all the different casinos. Thus we focus in sending the right games to every casino. This procedure allows us to take care of every customer in a unique way and I strongly believe that EGT customer oriented policy puts our products among the most popular ones on the market. Therefore my expectations for a future growth in the Caribbean region are extremely positive!”

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