
EGT на ICE Barcelona 2025: Пригответе се да бъдете зашеметени

17 ян, 2025

EGT е готова да направи дълбоко впечатление на посетителите на ICE 2025, което ще се проведе в Барселона за първи път. Българският производител на игрално оборудване ще представи своята завладяваща селекция от бестселъри и нови разработки с висок потенциал на един от най-големите щандове на изложението 3F30.

Сред новостите, които ще предизвикат най-голям интерес, ще бъдат 2 чисто нови слот кабинета – 32-32 St и 32-32 Up. Тези модели със сигурност няма да останат незабелязани от гостите на събитието.

Изложено ще бъде най-новото попълнение в джакпот семейството на компанията – Zhao Cai Shuang Yu на 4 нива на азиатска тематика. Той ще разкрие удивителния свят на своите 2 игри - Prosperity Strike и Rising Coins.

Присъстващите ще могат да видят и изпробват и най-новите мултигейми от слот серията Supreme Selection. Mega Supreme Fruits, Supreme Red и Supreme Buy Bonus Prize Selection ще представят много нови слот заглавия, предлагащи перфектна комбинация от завладяваща тематика, атрактивни бонус функции и страхотно забавление.

EGT ще покаже и най-новите си ETG разработки. Сред тях ще бъде терминалът 32 T, който ще направи своя дебют по време на шоуто. Той ще допълни богатото портфолио от продукти на компанията, които са предпочитан избор в много игрални обекти по света.

EGT ще представи също и игралните миксове от Supreme Series, понастоящем включваща мултигеймите Supreme Roulette Union и Supreme Green Union. Фокусирайки се изключително върху рулетката, Supreme Roulette Union съчетава тръпката от класическия рулетен геймплей с иновативни джакпот системи и многостранни функции. Supreme Green Union съчетава популярни игри от портфолиото на компанията с рулетка, Кено, Бакара и Блекджек, предлагайки на играчите уникално изживяване.

Множество нови AWP и VLT продукти, създадени специално за различни пазари, също ще бъдат на разположение на посетителите, както и казино мениджмънт системата на EGT Spider, която ще покаже най-новите си модули.

EGT Digital също така ще представи богатия си набор от iGaming решения, включващ моментни и казино игри, джакпоти и собствената платформа за залагане тип „всичко в едно“ X-Nave.

Надя Попова, главен директор по приходите и вицепрезидент "Продажби и маркетинг" в EGT, коментира: „ICE е много важно събитие за нас, което ни позволява да се срещнем с професионалисти от индустрията от цял ​​свят. Ще посрещнем нашите настоящи и потенциални нови клиенти и партньори на нашия щанд, за да им представим всички нови продукти от нашето портфолио, разделени на зони, покриващи всички игрални вертикали. Вярвам в положителния потенциал на промените. Ето защо смятам, че преместването на шоуто в Барселона ще отвори нови бизнес хоризонти и ще донесе много възможности за изграждане на ползотворни партньорства, за които ние като компания сме готови.“

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EGT announces Reel Games for Puerto Rico licensee

29 апр, 2014

It is a pleasure for Euro Games Technology (EGT) to announce their license agreement with Reel Games for the Puerto Rico Gaming market thereby expanding the breadth of resources and global diversity of the company. Both EGT and Reel Games are delighted by the agreement and believe in its efficiency for the future success of the companies.

Sean Smith, President and founder of Reel Games, Inc. said, "Reel Games is pleased EGT selected our company as their licensee for the Puerto Rico market. The overwhelming success of EGT video slots throughout the Caribbean is extremely important to us, especially entering the Puerto Rico market which has similar local player demographics to the rest of the Caribbean and South America. RGI already secured two major orders with the Embassy Suites casino in San Juan and the Ramada Resort and Casino in Ponce, Puerto Rico. This is a very exciting time for us. Reel Games Inc. holds manufacturer and distribution gaming licenses in over 40 jurisdictions in North American including Puerto Rico and is looking forward to the cooperation with EGT for further expanding our footprint in Puerto Rico and North America."

Nadia Popova, Director EGT Panama shared her excitement by the agreement too. "On behalf of EGT, I would like to express my pleasure of the selection of Reel Games as our licensee for Puerto Rico because of their considerable experience and know-how on the local market. We are going to introduce some of EGT brand new products – the Premier P-24/24 Upright cabinet and the Cat 4 Cash Jackpot System. We have made this selection after a thoughtful and extensive research and analysis of the local market, therefore I strongly believe in the success of these products. In addition, with the help of our innovative R&D department, we offer extensive mixes of attractive games which would grab the attention of both the tourists and the local players." concluded Nadia Popova.

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EGT appoints new distributor for Asia

29 апр, 2014

Euro Games Technology (EGT) is pleased to announce the signature of a distribution agreement with Indo Pacific Gaming (IPG). IPG will handle the area of India, the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

With 12years of experience, EGT is known as one of the fastest growing companies on the gaming market. EGT manufactures exquisite gaming equipment of highest quality and offers a dedicated service to its customers. Nowadays the wide range of EGT products are operated in more than 65 countries in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.

IPG has been in business since 1989. The leading Asian gaming company is a multi-product distributor and operator in the Australasian and emerging markets. Through exceptional customer service and superior technical support, IndoPacific gaming is a well-trusted and respected gaming equipment supplier and gaming operator to International casinos and cruise ship operators.

"On behalf of EGT, I am pleased to announce that we have entered into a strategic agreement with IPG. We are confident that our partnership in Asia will provide exclusive service for EGT customers in Asia by offering our ever expanding line of products as well as effective and prompt support. IPG is a company with traditions in the gaming industry and I believe that our agreement will soon result in excellent outcomes!" commented Stanislav Stanev, EGT Sales & Marketing Director.

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EGT awarded for excellence in software implementations

16 апр, 2014

EGT has yet another good news to share! The company has been distinguished for excellence in software implementations at the annual SAP Quality Awards for Central and Eastern Europe. The ceremony celebrates customers who have excelled in the planning and execution of their SAP software implementations. These prestigious awards recognize customers who use SAP's ten quality principles to:

  • Effectively manage and execute implementations marked by complex technical and business process requirements
  • Make the extraordinary look ordinary and deliver significant business benefits to their organization
  • Achieve fast, low-cost implementations – and meet today’s demand for rapid time to value

EGT and their implementation partner Squilline have been distinguished for their project for optimization of service processes with SAP Work Manager mobile application.

The project has generated many advantages for both EGT and their customers. By implementing SAP Work Manager mobile solution the company has achieved:

  • Increased customer satisfaction by faster resolving technical issues and immediate response to the customer;
  • Significant cost reduction by optimizing the procurement process and reducing the stock levels of spare parts;
  • Real time information which allows for faster decision making process of the management.

"EGT is one of the fastest growing companies in the gaming manufacture business worldwide. It is a challenging task to keep our top position, to broaden the production more and more and at the same to provide products with excellent quality as well as effective and prompt support. By implementing the SAP Mobile Platforms & Apps we take one step forward to achieving a superior management and better service which will affect positively our team, our customers and our business." commented Stanislav Stanev, EGT Director Sales & Marketing.

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